Do You Wonder How Much Money You Can Make Working From Home?The answer is actually very simple. The amount of effort you put in will result in more money. Jim Bradley has spent a long time over the years learning what actually pays and what doesn't, and he's learned that Amazon Mechanical Turk is one of the real world ways to make money from home. It's a job, part time or full time, the choice is yours.What This Book Does For YouIt does get you started on MTurk and helps you through your first few days.It does give you realistic and grounded goals. No get rich fast pipe dreams here.It gives you a step by step blueprint on how to make money on MTurk.It lists all the scripts, tips, tricks and a full in depth guide that has been fully used and tested by Jim Bradley.About The AuthorJim Bradley saw the need to find a more stable way to make money when he found it difficult to find work during the economic trouble in the United States. After searching for a while tried a platform called Amazon Mechanical Turk which enabled him to do small jobs online in return for money. These jobs include surveys, data processing and various other tasks. After getting paid his first 20 dollars, he decided to treat it like a part time job, making up to 6 dollars an hour. After figuring out how to use the platform more, he increased his hourly income up to 9 dollars an hour, sometimes beyond, all while working from home and choosing when to work, and what to work on.