This is a ground-breaking combination of intriguing novel and business consulting that follows five African-American characters as they exchange personal experiences that happen behind the research, data and attempts at best practices. We also meet a curious CEO who overhears one of their conversations and blazes a trail to accelerate progress on the inclusion goals his company has been struggling with for years. The story provides insight on the: - experience behind the metrics and scorecards - issue of black hair and what being a 'good fit' means - contradiction of why height isn't an advantage for Black males - words that make a difference in conversations - essential connection between #blacklivesmatter #blackmoneymatters and #blacktalentmattersLearn how to: - initiate conversations that build trust - navigate your company's culture - plan your career for sustainable success - attract and retain minority talent - transform your organization's culture In the Afterword, Howard J. Ross, one of the nation's leading diversity consultants and a nationally recognized expert on diversity, leadership, and organizational change writes "Allison Manswell's Listen In is a welcome addition to our discourse around these issues. If you are anything like me, you were probably struck with the authenticity of the characters that Allison introduced us to, and the reality of the conversations that people are either having or trying to find ways to have! Some of the characters might have reminded you of people you know and work with, even people from your own family. You may even have seen some of yourself in one or more of the characters. And yet, we do not always put our thoughts and feelings about race on the table to talk about, particularly in mixed racial groups in which the conversations are most needed."